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USS Wisconsin Berthing Area Dredging

Mig Project#: 229949
Location: Norfolk, VA
Owner: City of Norfolk

Project Description

This project consisted of providing manned suction dredging under the berth of the historic USS Wisconsin Battleship which weighs in at 57,500 long tons (58,400 t) full load with a total length 887 ft 3 in (270.43 m) and a beam 108 ft 2 in (32.97 m). The MIG Team over ninety days with 8” inch suction hoses and up to eight divers at a time and a crane barge with a clam shell bucket dredged a total of 8000CY of material for a final depth of -3’ under the vessel. All work was completed with the ship in place.

USS Wisconsin History:

The historic warship was built in 1940 with launch in 1942 and severed the United States Navy proudly for over 70 years earned five battle stars for her World War II service, and one for the Korean War. The ship also received the Combat Action Ribbon and Navy Unit Commendation for actions in the Korean War and Operation Desert Storm in 1991. She also received over a dozen more awards for World War II, the Korean War, and Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. In 2009 the ship was giving to the City of Norfolk and was named to the national historic register where it now serves as a museum, inspiring future generations in service to their country and the United States Navy.